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Category 3
Born After : July 15, 2011
Semi Final Round
(maximum duration: 6 minutes)
One Little Prelude by J. S. Bach from BWV 924-930 & 939-942
One of the following work lists:
Album for the Young, Op. 68 (R. Schumann)
Album for the Young, Op. 39 (P.I. Tchaikovsky)
Music for Children, Op. 65 (S. Prokofieff)
Puppet Dances (D. Shostakovich)
Works from the Semi Final Round cannot be repeated for Final Round.
Final Round
(maximum duration: 8 minutes)
One first movement of a piano sonatina by
Clementi Op. 36 & 37
Diabelli Op. 151 & 168
Dussek Op. 20
Kuhlau Op. 20, 55, 59, 60, 88
One free choice of standard solo piano repertoire.
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